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Freedom To Learn

The Freedom to Learn network is powered by The Phoenix Education Trust although operates with significant autonomy. The Network has an explicit mandate on exploring educational innovations and promoting human-centred and rights-respecting practice in education across the UK. Freedom to Learn is uniquely positioned as the UK's largest network of young people and parents in elective home education and unschooling practise. 

Based on our Manifesto, we promote Freedom from emphasis on high stakes testing, Freedom to create, Freedom from rigid bureaucratic rules, Freedom to be, Freedom from constant comparison and competition, Freedom to think, Freedom from coercive disciplinary systems, Freedom to become, Freedom from narrow interpretations of success, and Freedom to be accepted.


We connect innovators around the UK, within and outside mainstream education, to inspire and learn from one another in the pursuit of a freer, fairer education system; support self-directed learning communities to get started and thrive around the UK, and families and professionals who want to incorporate self-directed education into their homes and workplaces; and we raise awareness and advocate for freedom to learn, celebrating the diverse sites of innovation around the UK.


The Network has a proud history working with multiple stakeholders including practitioners, trade unionists, young people, universities, community activist, parents, researchers, and teachers.


Freedom to Learn continues to grow our Network of innovators around the UK, within and outside the mainstream education system, to be connected and cognisant in our work and to learn from one another in the pursuit of a freer and fairer education system.

Each year, the Trust holds Freedom to Learn's flagship and critically acclaimed Freedom to Learn Forum. The last three Forums were held at A.S. Neill Summerhill School in 2022, Sands School in 2023, and at the East Kent Sudbury School in 2024.

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